Sunday, September 28, 2008

Crazy Busy!!

34 Weeks!! Whoa Belly!!

Phew!!! Feels like the last two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity and something tells me that things aren't likely to slow down anytime soon!! First off let me start out by singing Kirk's praises as we just found out earlier this week that he got a promotion at work!!! Just had to put this out there as I am very proud of him and all of his hard work!!
As for these past couple of weeks, Kirk and I are finally finishing up the last of our parenting classes this week and then we will be certified to have this baby, which is a good thing since we don't have that much longer until he's due. Out of all the classes we've taken lately the parenting class seems to be the most useful of all of them. A couple of weeks ago Kirk must have been feeling inspired by our class on Baby care and decided to use poor Tobi cat as a practice baby and dressed him in one of the newborn onsies we have. It was hilarious though I felt bad for the poor cat but he was truly a good sport. This picture says it all. I think if he could talk he'd be saying "I hate you both".

Last week in our parenting class we talked about healthcare issues and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky we will be to have a nurse on call 24/7 who will probably even make house calls if necessary, right mom ;P ? How sweet is that!! You can't beat that kind of service. During the last two weeks we've taken/ finished up most of our classes, lined up our pediatrician, and today I preregistered at the hospital at the suggestion of my ob at our last appointment this past week.

Also last weekend three of our best friends threw us THE most fabulous baby shower, also apparnetly known as "fertile valley 08'". (It has been brought to my attention recently that a certain member of my family is referring to the shower as this since there were so many children and pregnant women there!! How fun will it be to see our son grow up with all of these kiddos!!) We had a great turn out for the shower and feel so incredibly lucky to have so many wonderful friends and family to share this special time in our lives with. We got so many great things and I truly feel spoiled by how much people have done for us and the baby. After the baby shower Kirk and I had so much fun unloading/playing with all of our new toys, I mean new stuff for the baby. It's crazy how quickly the baby's room is filling up with stuff. We got so many diapers I don't think we'll need to actually buy any for months and I'm definitely stoked about that.!!!We also got our travel system/car seat stroller combo and pack n play (thanks mom and dad) and bouncer which Kirk promptly put together right after the shower without me even having to ask him to!! He also already put together our crib which came in this past week(thanks ABA and GrandDad!!) a couple of days after our shower of course and it looks fabulous!! Do you think Daddy is getting excited?? I'm so stoked about being able to finally start putting his room together. I still have a lot to do but it's all finally coming together. So, with all of this going on and then throw in work and just life in general and you can see how things might seem a little crazy around here. It's all good things though as we're trying to make sure we're as prepared as we can be for this baby's arrival, if there even is such a thing.

I still feel pretty well all things considered except for some occasional upper back pain, mostly if I stand on my feet too long. Also my son's kicks are geting very strong and he has a tendancy lately to jab me in the side with what I can only imagine is a foot. It's very interesting to say the least. Kirk has been having a lot of fun jabbing my belly and getting him to move all around. Funny how they can play like this even before he's born. Our next appointment will be October 8th for our 36 week check and then I'll start going every week. So far everything looks great except for the fact that they made me weight about three times this last appointment because I had "such a large jump". Yikes!!! I will say that when the doctor weighed me she got 4 pounds less than the nurse and then when I got home I got home on my scale I got 3 pounds less than the doctor so I'm going with freaky scale on this one, that's my story and I'm sticking to it anyway!! Let's hope that doesn't happen again as it was quite embarrassing. I only hope I can keep it from going out of control these last few weeks. Thank goodness I don't have much longer!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

32 week update

32 week baby bump. Now ya see it.

Now ya don't.

32 weeks down only 8 ish or so to go! Everyone keeps telling me how I'm so close but I tell ya 8 weeks feels like forever away. We had our 32 week appointment today and I'm happy to report that as suspected it was very uneventful. Baby's heart rate looks good, measuring right on time, Mama's BP is good, doesn't appear that this kiddo is trying to arrive anytime soon. All around a good report for all. We go back in two weeks (9/25) for our 34 week checkup. I feel very lucky that all in all this pregnancy so far (knock on wood) has gone remarkably well. I've felt great pretty much most of the time and really can't complain. I've managed to keep working mostly at my regular pace and I'm still able to get some exercise in though I admit it's not nearly as frequent as it was during the second trimester but something is better than nothing. All in all I really have enjoyed being pregnant so far and do not feel overly ready for it to be over just yet. The only real complaint I have is how ridiculous I now look at work in my overly huge scrubs. Suellen, in answer to that question you asked me long ago about maternity scrubs I can honestly tell you that yes they are that awful. The problem is that stores don't really sell maternity scrubs per se they just instruct you to wear a larger size so this normally size small girl is now wearing size large scrubs to accomodate the growing belly. First my coworkers gave me a hard time because I was growing out of my scrubs and needed to buy new ones and now they make fun because I look so ridiculous. There is no pleasing these people!

Kirk and I have been very busy the last couple of weeks with various classes. Last Saturday was our first childbirth class and I actually enjoyed it. My favorite moment came when the instructor was talking with the class about enemas and how some docs still require patient's to have them blah, blah, blah. She then went on to explain that this was an "invasive procedure" at which point a random husband in the class got a very puzzled expression on his face and asked"how is that invasive?" At this point came my favorite moment when my husband looked at him like he was insane and said "how is that NOT invasive??" Hehe, gotta love it. Kirk then looked at me and wispered "wonder what they do for fun". That's my husband! We also went to our first parenting class on Tuesday night where we learned to do baby care basics such as diapering, swaddling, and bathing oh my. I told Kirk that by the time we're done with these classes in three weeks we should be fully certified to have a baby. Somehow I don't think he was convinced.