How cute is this sweet little guy?? I took these pics a few nights ago of Ian after his bath, all wrapped up in his hooded towel having fun just rolling around on the bathmat. He looked so adorable that I just HAD to get some pictures of the whole thing to try and capture some of that cuteness.
Though you can't tell it from these pictures he was actually somewhat sick when these were taken, I only wish I looked that cute when I'm sick. We had to take him in for his first official sick visit this week since he had been running a fever all weekend and by Monday wasn't eating as well and was generally fussy. Turns out he has an ear infection (again) and some sort of virus. Luckily though he appears to be on the mend for now. Mommy however is another story. After spending a wonderful weekend in Birmingham visiting with Kirk's parents and two of our favorite families (the Garrison's and DuPriest's) and fully enjoying my first four day weekend in FOREVER I managed to return to work for one full day last week prior to becoming SICK on Wednesday morning. I have no idea what I managed to pick up but I woke up around 4 in the morning shivering uncontrollably. After putting on sweats, getting back under the covers, and continuing to shiver for 30 minutes to an hour I decided that I must be sick. Sure enough an hour later a temp check revealed a temp around 102. I felt so terrible I couldn't even stand the idea of getting out of bed and was just getting ready to tell Kirk he was going to have to handle Ian when he informs me that he's also sick and sure enough 101 temp. Around noon or so I decided that I felt so terrible that I must make an appointment to see my doctor right that minute only to be told that he wouldn't be able to see me for two days. Since I have connections in the medical field (a-hem MOM) I was able to get a flu test done since I was convinced that's what I had only to find out it was negative. Luckily our fevers resolved relatively quickly and just when we thought we were getting back to normal Ian managed to get sick. With all of this going on I had to call out and miss three of my four scheduled work days last week and Ian has not been back to daycare in about a week since we didn't want to chance him getting the other kids sick. I'm convinced that the authorities will be coming out any minute to find out what we've done with the kid...
Though I am definitely a lot better now I am still a bit congested and just not yet back to my old self. Hopefully all will be back to normal on Thursday when I am due to go back to work. I already feel like I have single handedly put myself on the bad employee list with what happened last week and am afraid that if I have to miss any more days they might decide to do something drastic like string my up by my toenails and beat me or something but hey, you've gotta do what you've gotta do right? Especially when it comes to my sick kiddo. So, until Thursday we will be taking it easy trying to get better and I will be enjoying spending a little extra time with Ian as I managed to get a bonus day off this week which couldn't have been timed better actually. Gotta love that.
Oh man I am so sorry you are all still feeling the effects of the crud. It always amazes me how devastating one cold can be when you have children! Did you miss the photo op Sunday with Suz and Doug?
We had to skip out on the whole Birmingham trip which we were sad about but better safe than sorry. Hopefully we can reschedule. Just as well since I hear Suellen got sick too do it was just definitely not to be. Sorry we missed hanging with you guys too!! :(
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