Sunday, January 11, 2009

Two Months

Friday we took Ian in for his two month appointment with the pediatrician and .... my big boy is now up to 13 lbs 15 ounces and 24& 3/4 inches long a far cry from the 8lbs 2 ounces and 21 inches he was at birth!!!!! The appointment proved to be a very traumatic event for the poor little guy since he recieved three immunizations. It broke my heart to hear him screaming. Luckily for me Kirk volunteered to be in the room with him and to help hold him down. After getting the shots he was beet red and cried until he fell asleep. He was so worn out from the trauma of it all that he spent most of Friday afternoon and evening sleeping.

I can't believe how big he's gotten and how much he's changed in these last couple of months. He is now "talking" to us and smiling more and more everyday. It's been so cool so far to see him become more interactive and noticing new things around him. Now if I could only get him to sleep through the night or at least a 5-6 hour stretch a night.... I'm due to go back to work in three weeks so am crossing my fingers that maybe that magical event will occur soon. Luckily for us he is starting to go longer between feedings now so we are back to doing some 3 - 3.5 hour stretches at night which has been fabulous. Getting up in the middle of the night for feedings has probably been one of the hardest parts of having a newborn for me but I'm even starting to get used to the sleep deprivation now. Once I start back to work though it may be a whole new ballgame, I may have to learn how to start sleeping with my eyes open so they won't catch on to me....

Thanks to my mom and dad who volunteered to keep Ian yet again for us, Kirk and I were able to go out on our first "date" since he was born. The other couple of times we managed to get out of the house it was to do grocery shopping or Christmas shopping so it was quite a treat for us to go to lunch and a movie yesterday afternoon. The movie of choice was Marley and Me, which was fabulous. Word of warning if you go see this movie take a box of tissue with you and wear waterproof mascara, by the end I was crying like a baby and so was the lady next to me evidently because I could hear her sniffling!!! It was so bad I was embarrassed to go out of the theater at the end of the movie because I didn't want anyone to see my red eyes.

A couple of my favorite new pics of Mr. Ian:
Two Months Old

Chillin in the swing



Jamie said...

Oh my goodness, what an angel! I can't believe how big and alert he is now! Don't you just want to click "pause" so he doesn't get any bigger?

Me on Metatrophin said...

HA! LOL-- what good photos! Unababy is pretty funny! Marlee got her shots today. She did pretty well and is now sleeping it off. She's 9 lbs. 14 oz-- exactly 4 pounds more than her birth weight. She's 21 inches long and all of this puts her in the 10th percentile. She's a peanut, I guess! Can't wait to see baby Ian again!

Jamie said...

Wow....I just read a really inappropriate/rude blog post (not yours of course)....did you?