Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Slight Progress at 36 weeks

Today was our appointment with the Ob Gyn for our 36 week checkup. Imagine my surprise when the Dr. informed us that I am already making some progress. This is about how the exchange took place:

Dr. Wheeler: "Have you been having any contractions or been feeling like you've had anything going on?"
Me: "Nope I don't think so."
Dr. Wheeler: "The reason I ask is that it looks like you're already about 1 cm dilated."
Me: "EEEK!" or some other kind of gasping shocked sound.
Dr. Wheeler: "I still expect to see you next week though."

OMG!!!! I honestly don't even think I've had one single braxton hicks contraction yet. How could this be?? I know I could go on like this for weeks and it doesn't necessarily mean anything but this new information got me started thinking that this is really going to happen soon! The Dr. also informed us that it could really be anytime now and that if I did go into labor I'm so close to my due date that they wouldn't do anything at this point to try and stop it. All of this new information got me started thinking about all of the little things I need to do and loose ends I need to tie before the big day and suddenly it doesn't seem as far off as it did just 24 hrs ago. Last night as I was drifting off to sleep I had a quick moment of panic when I realized that today I would be 36 weeks and in just two weeks I would be officially full term. This thought was followed by the thought that the baby could possibly come in two weeks which was quickly followed by the thought OMG I'm not ready for him to come in two weeks. I've been telling myself that I'll probably be overdue so I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that the baby could actually come before our due date. Anything at this point is possible because like I was just telling Kirk tonight this kid will come when he's ready.

Everything looked good as usual at our appointment today and we are due to go back next Tuesday for another check up. Incidently today at my weight in I weighed the exact same thing I did two weeks ago at my last appointment. Absolutely no change and that's still four pounds less than what the nurse tried to stick me with last week. Interesting no??

I also had yet another party in my honor today as my coworkers decided to throw me a baby shower at the hospital. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of cute stuff including a hand made baby blanket from one of my coworkers. I feel very loved as baby Williams has so many people who want to celebrate his upcoming arrival with us. I have never felt as pampered and spoiled in my life as I have felt these last couple of weeks. Thanks to our family, friends, coworkers, and mom's coworkers we have pretty much most of what we wanted/needed for the baby and we are now just waiting for his upcoming arrival.


Me on Metatrophin said...

Sweet! It's definitely "a sign!" Same thing happened to me at about 36 weeks, and I remember feeling just like you said! "Could it be tomorrow? Next week? Two weeks?" Make sure your bag is packed and your birth plan in place. Some of those other details will need to slide, so don't be hard on yourself. Do what's most important! YEA!

Jamie said...

Ummmmm, picture please? I know I'm not one to talk...I haven't added ANY pics yet of Princess....Can't wait to meet your little man!

Jessica said...

I can't wait - I will be driving up the moment I hear it's happening! (so don't forget to have someone call me!)

I cried when I got your note - I can't believe it's all happening so soon!